Sunday, November 18, 2007

Black & White

When it comes to photography, I love nothing more than to photograph children. And lately, I've been on a real black & white kick. As I filled the galleries in our new website, I found myself converting lots of my original color photos to black and white.

This weekend, I took photos of my friend Tina's adorable family. Even their dog Misty was a sweetheart. And although we did an outdoor session and we were surrounded by fall colors, the candidness of these photos just calls for black & white.

What a beautiful mother-daughter moment..

And this one just fills my heart. To see the interest and curiosity of a child towards something as small as a little cricket is just heart-warming to me..and adorable..

Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

This entire year has just flown by, and Christmas is going to be here before you know it. My dear friends Adriana & Gilbert asked me to take family pictures for their Christmas cards. I spent a really fun morning with them, including their sweet dog Sheeba and adorable dog Manny. That Manny I tell you..he's a mush!

Here are a few of my favorites..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

the one

Since starting photography, I've noticed that from every session we have, there is always one photo that stands out as my most favorite. The following photo is "the one" from Omar's engagement session with my friend Veronica. From the colors, to their expressions, and even in the way they are holding hands, this one has it all. I love it...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

We're live!

After two months of working on our new website, it's finally done! We’ve put a lot of work into it and we are really excited and happy to announce that it’s ready for the world to see! Our new home is When you visit our new site, you’ll find two separate inlets -- one showcases my portraiture and the other one is home to Omar’s work in engagement and wedding photography. We invite you to browse through our collections and view our new sites. Please update your bookmarks as our old website ( will not be up for very much longer. We hope to hear your thoughts. You can e-mail us as

This past weekend, Omar had an engagement session with a very dear friend of mine and her husband-to-be. Here are a few that we want to share...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Welcome to our new Blog Space!

Our blog has a new home! Omar and I have been working on a new website for a couple of months now and we are almost ready to go live with it! I am so excited about it! As always, I will use this space frequently to provide our friends and clients with glimpses of the work produced by Signature Collections. I hope you will come back often to share in the joys, innocence, beauty and truth captured within these images.

And here is our first official blog in our new home...

So about twice a year we get together with another husband-wife photographer team and we take family portraits. It's a great arrangement! Last time we got together, our girls were a few months shy of turning one and the session went pretty smooth because the girls weren't too mobile. Today however was a different story! They're both about a year and half and boy do they love to explore! So amidst the apples, bananas, raisins and puffs (gotta love those snacks!), we got some really great shots! Here are a few of my favorites..

And here is one of Omar's...